Friday, December 26, 2008
How fabulous was Christmas this year?!
I don't want to think that I took what I have, who I am and who I love for granted in the past...but the "awakening" feeling I've had this Christmas season...I'm starting to feel like maybe I was.
Knowing how many people lost so many things over this past year, made me appreciate everything I have from my house to my car to my family to my pets...right down to the socks and shoes on my feet.
This year I tried to make sure everyone I was in touch with was aware of the charities that needed help this winter. I was so filled with joy when each person I talked with responded that they took my information, did something with it and received the gift of helping those who have not been as fortunate as us.
I believe this is the Change that our future President is about. People helping people!!
If you haven't seen the movie Pay It should...and then make sure you:
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Who is your favorite character of all time from a book or movie?
In the story "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane", Edward belongs to a young girl who lavishes him with attention and love. During this time, Edward seems to only fancy himself. The girl's grandmother senses this...and he feels her discerning look and reads into that she knows the "real" Edward...with the implication that the "real" Edward is to self-centered and egocentric to love anyone or anything outside of himself.
The day comes that Edward gets lost...and thus starts his journey. Over the years, he is found and lost many times...and from each experience he discovers many different kinds of love from others, but more importantly FOR others.
I feel like Edward is a fantastic symbol of the human spirit. When we are young...we think only of ourselves and the effects of life on us and how they make us feel. But as you grow both physically and emotionally, thru different experiences with love in begin to open your heart and mind to others and different capacities of love. Through it all - there always seems to be that 1 person who "looks you over" with a sense that they can see through your facade. In the beginning...the look haunts you...but as you grow as a person...the look turns into something that you strive to prove wrong...not for yourself...but for those that love you.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a children's book...intended to reach a 7 year old audience. However, I found myself deeply touched and moved by this story and highly recommend it to people of all ages who feel like they are in between stages in their lives.
So - that's my favorite character...who or what is yours? and of course why?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tis the season...
These specific gift card donations are going to be Christmas Gifts for kids being helped by this center...ages 13-18. Normally they have ~150 teens to assist...but this season they are predicting that it'll be closer (if not over) 200 teens.
As I read type this my heart breaks. 200 TEENS! That is about a 1/4 of the nearby high school population!!
My family is lucky. My husband and I over the years have taken the appropriate steps to make sure that our kids haven't had to personally feel the devastating effects of the "economic crisis" that many in the town, state & country are reeling from.
With that said - it's time to "share the wealth" guys!! Give time...give money...give often. It's amazing how helping others also helps you. You feel good, you feel proud, you learn and feel compassion. What do you say?! It's about time to "pay it forward".
Most people WANT to give...but never know where or how to start. So here we go. I'm from South County I'll post some links for different organizations around our area where it's more than easy to give quickly and painlessly. But if your reading this from somewhere else in the state or country...go here to find a way to give now:
It's time to make a difference!!!
- Johnnycake Center of PeaceDale
- Habitat for Humanity
- Welcome House of South County
- Women's Resource Center of South County
- Animal Rescue League of RI
- Pet Refuge
- Meals on Wheels of RI
- RI Community Foodbank
- Kids First
There are many many more out there...these are just a few...but they're a great place to start.
Another helpful suggestion...when you go into your local grocery store (Shaw's...Super Stop & Shop)...they have either bins for food donations...or even more convenient...they have pre-packed grocery bags ($5, $10, $15 denominations) that you can just stick in your carridge at the begining of a grocery trip. You pay for it when you check out...and the donated bag full of food is place in a bin that then goes to your local Food Bank. How easy is that?! Personally I think they should do this ALL YEAR ROUND. I mean many of us are impulse shoppers and have spent $5, $10 or $15 on items that we don't really need during a trip to Shaw's?? Why not use that money on things that people truely need?!
Even if only 1 person reads this blog and decides to act on it...well that's one more person/family who reaps the benefit!
Happy Friday...and if you have it...share the wealth this Christmas'll be better and feel better for it!